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ILM Module 4 - Sound & Sleep in Rehabilitation & Health Promotion

ILM Module 4 - Sound & Sleep in Rehabilitation & Health Promotion

ILM Module 4 - Sound & Sleep in Rehabilitation & Health Promotion

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion


Welcome to Module 4 of the Integrative Lifestyle Medicine (ILM) Certificate by Dr. Ginger Garner. In Module 4, we will explore sound and sleep in rehabilitation and health promotion in order to foster whole health.

High stress is a worldwide threat to our health.

A poll by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, National Public Radio, and Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health reports that 85% of working adults rate the efforts of their workplace in reducing stress as fair or poor. And 43% of working adults report that their job negatively affects their stress levels, which sends a clear message. We need to be taking action to reduce stress at work, since it spills over into our home and impacts every area of our personal lives and health.

Nutrition and sleep also play a remarkable role in health and well-being. While nutrition is addressed in Module 3, sleep science and intervention are included in this module.

In 2014 the Centers for Disease Control declared sleep deprivation a public health epidemic, with over 70 million adults suffering from disordered sleep.

A 2013 poll reported the average American sleeps only 6.8 hours a night, less than the recommended amount. And 40% of Americans log even less time than that.

People are sleeping less than ever in recorded history (at the turn of the 20th century people slept, on average, 9 hours a night);, and it poses serious health risks.

Research links sleep issues with depression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s, for starters. In 2015, $52 billion was spent on sleep-related products in the US by consumers. 

There are many holistic, low-cost, and low-tech ways to tackle the epidemic double threat of sleep deprivation and emotional distress.

This online course will tackle these issues by teaching you concrete ways to improve emotional and whole-body health through two major modes of intervention: sleep and sound medicine. Psychologically informed therapies, meditation and mindfulness, music and sound interventions, and how to use the voice to optimize therapeutic landscape and patient outcomes will be included as practical, immediately-applicable modalities to add to your clinical and self-care toolbox. 


Learning Objectives

In Module 4 of the ILM Certificate you will:

  1. Correlate emotional distress and its relationship with physical and occupational therapy outcomes. 
  2. Identify screening tools for evaluating emotional status
  3. Know when to refer
  4. List ways to foster healthy self-regulation.
  5. Describe the role of music and sound in practice.
  6. Compare and contrast stress and meditation types.
  7. Identify parameters that dictate vocal impact and longevity. 
  8. Practice vocal preservation intervention. 
  9. Cite evidence that supports the role of sleep, screening for sleep dysfunction, and intervention. 


The Integrative Lifestyle Medicine (ILM) Certificate is for physiotherapists/physical therapists, occupational therapists, athletic trainers, and related professions.


About The Integrative Lifestyle Medicine Certificate

You can choose to purchase individual modules or purchase the entire course track. When you click 'Buy Course' you will be given the option to purchase all 6 courses at a discount.

It is recommended to take all modules of the Integrative Lifestyle Medicine certificate in the order they are laid out in the course track.

It is required to take all modules to receive your certificate and you are only eligible to receive CEUs if you take all modules. CEUs are not awarded for individual modules, but rather for completing the entire course certificate.

You can view the entire certificate program by clicking here.

The instructors
Dr. Ginger Garner

Dr. Ginger Garner PT, DPT, ATC/L is a clinician, author, educator, and longtime advocate for improving access to physical therapy services, especially pelvic health.

She is the founder and CEO of Living Well Institute, which has been training and certifying healthcare providers in Integrative Medical Therapeutic Yoga & Lifestyle Medicine since 2000. She also owns Garner Pelvic Health in Greensboro NC, which offers digital and in-person care.

Ginger is the author of multiple books and book chapters, published in several languages. She has presented at over 20 conferences worldwide and has reached an audience across 6 continents, teaching on a range of topics impacting the pelvic girdle, respiratory diaphragm, and the voice (which she calls the 3D or Three Diaphragm approach).

Ginger is an active member of APTA, serving as the Legislative Chair for APTA North Carolina, a Congressional Key Contact for APTA Private Practice, and in the Academy of Pelvic Health on the Prenatal and 4th Trimester Task Force. Ginger lives in Greensboro, NC and is a mom of four – three sons and the family rescue Lab, Scout Finch. Visit Ginger at the links above, on Instagram and YouTube.

Material included in this course
  • Module 4.1
  • Handouts
  • Overview of Module 4: Sound & Sleep in Rehabilitation & Health Promotion: Fostering Whole Health
  • The Impacts of Emotional Distress
  • Screening & Referral
  • Sound as Therapy
  • The Psychoemotional Facet
  • Historical Context
  • The Brain Body Connection
  • Musicians vs Non-Musicians
  • The Power of Music
  • Feedback
  • Module 4.2
  • Handouts
  • Positive Psychology Evidence Base
  • Stress
  • Positive Psychology Activities
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Evidence Base
  • Using Meditation in Practice
  • Mindfulness Benefits
  • Feedback
  • Module 4.3
  • Handouts
  • The Role of Sound Pt1
  • The Role of Sound Pt2
  • Orofacial Review
  • Vocal Functioning Evidence Base
  • Vocal Functioning Exercise
  • Vocal Optimization Impacts
  • Vocal Practice Pt1
  • Vocal Practice Pt2
  • Feedback
  • Module 4.4
  • Handouts
  • The Role of Sleep
  • Sleep Physiology
  • Sleep & Well-Being
  • Sleep Screening
  • Identifying High Risk Populations
  • Biopsychosocial Sleep Intervention
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Resources and Next Steps
  • Feedback

This individual course is not approved for CEUs. However, by completing all courses in the The Integrative Lifestyle Medicine Certificate (which you can find here), physical therapists in the US can receive 24 CEUs. These courses have been approved for CEUs in California and all states that have provider reciprocity for PT. Please check to see if your state has reciprocity.  In order to earn the CEUs, course participants must complete all of the courses.

Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.

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