BPPV and Dizziness with Kregg Ochitwa

BPPV and Dizziness with Kregg Ochitwa
Do you work with a sports team, with seniors, in a hospital, or a bustling private practice and get stuck at times knowing what to do when a patient reports they are dizzy? We get it and you are not alone.
Research confirms that dizziness is a common complaint across the lifespan, but sadly it is also poorly understood and treated.
The thing is, it does not have to be this way. Combining decades of clinical experience with the current literature Kregg Ochitwa from the North 49 Balance & Dizziness Centre has developed 2 online courses to take your understanding of dizziness to the next level.
Understanding Dizziness 101 (4 hours of online learning) was created as a foundational course to help you develop a framework to assess and manage dizziness. Not all dizziness is the same and in this course we review how to subcategorize the causes of one’s dizziness based on taking a detailed vestibular history and exam. Easy to follow “how to” videos are included of each of the oculomotor tests so you can review as needed. From there we cover how to successfully treat the most common form of BPPV. Video review challenges, pop quizzes, and multiple PDF downloads are provided to reinforce the material covered.
A Field Guide to BPPV (6.5 hours of online learning) was developed for the newbie to the experienced vestibular therapist in mind as it takes a deep dive into BPPV. This course covers the background vestibular physiology so you not only understand the different assessment and treatment options, but why they work. We want you to be a critical thinker and not just a technician because it’s just a matter of time until you have to deal with someone with an atypical form of BPPV and those critical thinking skills will come in handy. Multiple “how to” videos were created for this course along with PDF downloads that you will want to access during your busy day.
The goal of these courses (and more to follow) will accelerate your learning experience, thereby improving your confidence and outcomes with this patient population, along with an increased demand for your services.
You can choose to take each course separately, but through Embodia there is also a Buy 1 Get 1 At 50% OFF offer (BOGO).
Of note, neither course is a prerequisite for the other.
This series is perfect for physical therapists, nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, naturopaths, chiropractors, medical doctors, athletic therapists, audiologists, and any other licensed healthcare provider who sees patients with dizziness.
Courses in this track

Understanding Dizziness 101
Kregg Ochitwa
Are the courses in this course track eligible for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for PTs in the US?
These 2 online courses (not the short courses listed below) are available for CEU for PTs in the USA in all but the following states: DC, Louisiana, Minnesota, New York, Nevada, Ohio, Texas & West Virginia.
The "Understanding Dizziness 101 online course is accredited for CEUs for chiropractors in both Saskatchewan and Alberta. If you are a chiropractor and would like this course accredited in your province or state please contact Kregg at kregg@north49therapy.ca.
What other courses does Kregg Ochitwa offer on Embodia?
In addition to these courses, Kregg Ochitwa offers several short courses that you can access on Embodia, covering various other vestibular-related topics.
These short courses include:
- Developing a Tool Kit to Assess & Treat Dizziness - FREE for Embodia members
- BPPV - Becoming a Rock Star at Treating the Lateral Canal - FREE for Embodia members
- Concussions - 5 Reasons for Persistent Dizziness
- Tips & Tricks To Determine if Nystagmus is Due to the Brain or Inner Ear - FREE for Embodia members
- How to Grow A Vestibular Physiotherapy Practice to 100+ New Patients A Month - FREE for Embodia members