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Biotensegrity - Coming From & Teaching to the Middle

Biotensegrity - Coming From & Teaching to the Middle

Biotensegrity - Coming From & Teaching to the Middle

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion
This course was recorded in March 2017


How does the foot influence structures up the kinetic chain? What does a neutral position of the joints mean and how does this affect pain and performance?

What is biotensegrity and how does it relate to physical practice? How can we use chain expansion in our asana and functional daily lives?

In this online physiotherapy course, we will discuss the relationship between the feet and the tissues of our bodies in regard to biomechanics, kinesiology, and energy. We will move to explore the concept of biotensegrity and how it relates to centered and neutral joints and the influence within asana practice. We will explore how these concepts help inspire and create safety during asana and can aid in recovering from injuries.

We will also explore what it means to live in a society of extremes and how this affects our field of incorporating yoga therapeutically. We will discuss how to come from the middle in our beliefs, our expectations and in holding space for our patients and clients. Further, we will dive into exploring what it means to teach to the middle bio-mechanically in asana, in pranayama practice, and in our mindfulness practice.

Short Video Overview


Learning Objectives

  1. To develop an understanding of specific yoga practices and systems.
  2. To appreciate the relationship between the feet and tissues of our bodies in regard to biomechanics, kinesiology, and energy.
  3. To learn current evidence and research in therapeutic yoga.
  4. To explore the concept of biotensegrity and how it relates to centered and neutral joints and the influence within asana practice.
  5. To develop the knowledge and skills to improve the healthcare experience of individuals with different needs, illnesses, goals, and objectives.



This course is open to all yoga instructors and healthcare professionals – physiotherapists, physiotherapy students, physiotherapy assistants, occupational therapists, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, massage therapists, registered kinesiologists, medical doctors, nurses, and midwives.

This session was recorded at the Montreal International Symposium on Therapeutic Yoga (MISTY) in March of 2017

The instructors
Helene Couvrette
Co-Founder, President of MISTY

Her passion for yoga inspired her to share yoga with a few friends in the basement of one of whom eventually lost her battle with cancer. She soon realized her love of yoga could only be surpassed by the desire to share it with others & the joy of seeing them benefit from yoga on many levels.

In 2002 just after delivering a stillborn boy Helene embarked on a 200hr YTT Certification Course. During 2003 she continued the training at same time began teaching yoga at the St. Lazare Community Center. Helene continues to teach regular yoga classes with a therapeutic approach, offers Private Yoga Therapy Sessions & mentors a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. Winter of 2018 she will introduce an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training focusing on Therapeutics.

Helene is also co-founder of this international conference bringing health care professionals & yoga therapist together with the mission of integrating yoga into the Canadian health care system.

Diana Zotos Florio

Diana completed her yoga teacher training at OM Yoga with Cyndi Li. Prior to that she had been a yoga student and a licensed practising physical therapist for 7 years at Hospital for Special Surgery. After having her first child, she became owner of Diana Zotos Yoga and Physiotherapy, an online learning resource and at home Physiyoga visits.

Her teaching and treating philosophy is to combine Yoga and Physical Therapy to provide patients and clients with relief from pain, knowledge about their body, posture reconditioning, and a healthy way to attain and maintain mental focus and balance, muscular and joint health, physical fitness, strength, and flexibility.

She is driven by addressing injury by looking at the whole body and mind for the root cause of pain or discomfort and treating that root using mindfulness, breath and precise alignment. Diana received her bachelor’s degree in Biology from American University, her Masters in Physical Therapy at Hunter College and has attended numerous post­graduate continuing education courses.

She enjoys teaching about Yoga and Physical therapy and has been an adjunct professor at Hunter College and Columbia University.

Montreal International Symposium on Therapeutic Yoga (MISTY)

MISTY is an organization by Helene Couvrette that provides high quality continuing education for healthcare professionals, yoga therapists, and educators who have a shared passion in the mission of yoga therapy and science.
Material included in this course
  • From The Ground Up
  • Neutral Position
  • Stacking Demonstration
  • Big Toes
  • Feet
  • Instability Up The Chain
  • Knees and Hips
  • Respecting Your Tipping Point
  • Big Yoga Section
  • Bare Feet
  • Footrub
  • What is neutral?
  • Fascia
  • Rubber Bands
  • Conclusion
  • Feedback
  • Coming From & Teaching to the Middle
  • First Yoga Excercise
  • The Where and Why of -The Middle-
  • How We Can Access The Middle and What Keeps Us From Getting There
  • The Impact of Extremes
  • Default Mode Network and Vagal Responses
  • Yoga, Exercise and Ventral Vagus
  • How Does It Appear In Our Bodies
  • Can We Come Back and Find -The Middle-
  • Coming Back to the Middle pt 2 - Breath
  • Awareness and a First Yoga Practice
  • Scientific Findings
  • Final Yoga Practice
  • Feedback

Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.

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