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Resource Blog: Free Templates for Pelvic Health Practitioners
By: Nataliya Zlotnikov MSc, HBSc, Content Writer at Embodia ∙ Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Templates create efficiency

Do you ever have one of those days when you're just working away and think to yourself, "$^*#, I wish there was a template for that"? 

It makes sense to have days like that! Repetitive tasks are no fun!

Did you know that templates can increase efficiency by reducing the need for repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on higher-order activities (The Business Analyst's Toolkit, 2024)? 

We have those days all the time too! Whether it's templates for charting, intake forms or outcome measures, there is definitely a shortage of readily available, easy-to-use, customizable templates for the pelvic health community.

That's why Embodia has created easy-to-use templates for intake forms, outcome measures and charting.

If you currently use Embodia's Tier 2: Patient engagement or Tier 3: Practice management, this blog will tell you how to access these tools.

Not currently using Embodia for Patient Engagement or Practice Management? Not to worry! We've made PDF versions of all these templates available for you, and easily accessible through this blog. No catch! No cost! No cats (just to throw in another c-word we aren't offering)! You're welcome!

Embodia offers the pelvic practitioner and clinic a few great time-saving template templates including: 

Non-Embodia members, you can download all of these templates by clicking on the hyperlinked title in the list below.

Current Embodia Tier 2 and Tier 3 members, keep reading below to learn how to access these tools from your Embodia dashboard. 

Questionnaires (intake forms & outcome measures):

Chart templates:

Chart items: 

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1. Accessing questionnaires for Embodia Tier 2 and 3 members 

To access questionnaires, from your Embodia dashboard, click on HEP and Questionnaires. To use one of our templates listed above, scroll to the bottom and click Browse available templates. Click on any of the questionnaires listed (outcome measures, intake forms, consent forms) to customize to your clinic's preferences. 

In brief: HEP > Questionnaires > Browse available templates > Create a questionnaire from this template

You can learn more about this process in our help article, Creating questionnaires form a template. 


2. Accessing chart templates for Embodia Tier 2 and 3 members 

Accessing charting templates is just as easy! Click on Charting, then click on the Templates tab. At the bottom you will see, Browse pre-built templates. Here, you will see the ‘Pelvic Initial Assessment Template’, Click on it to create a chart template from this template.

In brief: Charting > Templates tab > Browse pre-built templates > 'Pelvic Initial Assessment Template’ > Create a chart template from this template

You can learn more about this process in our help article, Using pre-built charting templates.

3. Accessing chart items for Embodia Tier 2 and 3 members

To access the chart items available on Embodia, click on Charting, then Charting settings (choose 'For the clinic account' or 'For my personal account*). In the Chart items tab, scroll to the bottom and click, Browse pre-built chart items.

In brief: Charting > Charting settings > Browse pre-built chart items

You can learn more about this process in our help article, Using pre-built chart items.

*Note: When choosing between 'For the clinic account' or 'For my personal account' we recommend creating all items under 'For the clinic account', this way, other practitioners in your clinic (or future practitioners, if your clinic grows) may also have access to them. Anything created under 'For my personal account' will remain private to you alone.

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Learn about our pricing 

Need more? 

Are there any questionnaires or chart items Embodia is missing but that you just can't live without? Let us know! We'd love to hear from you at

Date published: 15 March 2024 
Last update: 5 July 2024

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