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Upper Body Instructions
Bicep Curl
Bicep Curl with Modification
Arm Circles
Bent Elbow Row Modification
Bent Elbow Row
Chest Press
Chest Press Modification
Shoulder External Rotation
Shoulder External Rotation Modification
Eccentric Shoulder Abduction
Eccentric Shoulder Abduction Modification
Front Raise
Front Raise with Modification
Large Arm Circles with modifications
Lateral Raise
Lateral Raise with modification
Overhead Tricep Extension
Overhead Tricep Extension Mofication
Shoulder Press
Shoulder Press Modification
Shoulder Range of Motion (Back Pat)
Shoulder Shrug
Straight Arm Row
Straight Arm Row Modification
Wrist Flexion and Extension Range of Motion
Lumbar and Thoracic Spine Rotation
Lumbar Flexion and Extension (range of motion)
Trunk Side Bends
Seated Upright Punching
Sword Dueling (with modification)
Tricep Extension (Down Hinge)