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Penile Rehabilitation & Sexual Health in Men's Health Physiotherapy

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  • Course Introduction
  • Welcome and Slides
  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Training and Erectile Dysfunction in Radical Prostatectomy
  • Best practice guidelines on the use of vacuum constriction devices for erectile dysfunction following radical prostatectomy
  • Quiz
  • Feedback
  • Understanding the Conditions
  • A Look at Manhood
  • Physiology of Male Sexual Function
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • More Penile Disorders
  • Ejaculatory Dysfunction
  • Quiz
  • Feedback
  • Treatment Options
  • Erectile Dysfunction Treatments
  • Penile Rehabilitation Stages 1-3
  • Stages 4-6 and Other Options
  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Training for PPI
  • Downtraining the PFM
  • Quiz
  • Feedback
  • Q&A
  • Questions Part 1
  • Questions Part 2
  • Questions Part 3
  • Final Questions
  • Congrats and Reminder of Resources
  • What's Next?
  • Feedback
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