Clinical Taping Skills with Dance Specific Adaptations for Clinicians
Course materials
Taping techniques
Traditional ankle taping for eversion and inversion ligamentous support
Subacute ankle sprain taping adapted for dance
Inversion ankle sprain leukotape adaptation
Acute Ankle Sprain
Tibialis posterior support
Low-dye arch support
Low-Dye arch support adaptation for dance
Turf toe dance adaptation
Buddy taping
Sub acute achillies for return to dance
Achilles light support
Shin splint taping
Superior fib-fib joint taping
Patellar support
Patellar tendon strap
Knee hyperextension control
ACL taping
Medial Collateral Ligament support
Hip Spica
Light hip flexor support
lumbar support - light
Helpful resources
Just for fun
Hip Spica plus Blooper
ACL plus "unwind"
Bonus practice
Superior fib-fib jt proprioception
Lumbar support
Jumpers knee
Low die arch support
Dance adaptation for ankle taping
Acute ankle sprain
Taking the tape off
How do I feel?