Exploring Weight Stigma in Physiotherapy: A Multi-Method Session

Exploring Weight Stigma in Physiotherapy: A Multi-Method Session
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The instructors
Course Information
This abstract engages physiotherapists to explore how weight stigma (also known as fat stigma or obesity stigma) can be enacted or prevented in physiotherapy practice. This workshop, which builds upon one designed for a research study completed in 2020, integrates adult learning principles into the design.
This session was presented at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) Congress 2021.
Patricia Thille, PhD, BSc(PT), is a sociologist and physiotherapist, who works as an Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Thille applies critical social scientific theories and a range of qualitative methodologies in her health services and health professions education research. Her work focuses on stigmatization, health behaviour change, and chronic disease management in primary care and rehabilitation settings.
Elizabeth (Liz) Harvey is a physiotherapist and Senior Instructor at the University of Manitoba. She is also a PhD student and completed this work as part of her PhD studies.
Dr. Sandra Webber is a physical therapist and researcher in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Manitoba. In her research, she frequently uses technology to provide objective measures of activity performance (what people do in their everyday lives in terms of physical activity and sedentary behaviour). She is also interested in studying educational issues relevant to physical therapy to ensure that future clinicians are able to meet the needs of the populations they serve.
Access to this recording will be FREE for anyone who has registered for CPA Congress 2021, Day 3.
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The instructors

Material included in this course
Exploring Weight Stigma in Physiotherapy: A Multi-Method Session
Exploring Weight Stigma in Physiotherapy: A Multi-Method Session