Where Do Core Professional Values Fit in Practice? A Panel Discussion

Where Do Core Professional Values Fit in Practice? A Panel Discussion
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Course Information
This session of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) Congress 2021 begins with a description of how the 10 core professional values were identified. Then, a panel of four physiotherapists, with a range of professional backgrounds, discuss the importance and relevance of core values in one’s professional practice and in the functioning of a professional association. A facilitated discussion between the audience and panel members follows.
Dr. Pat Miller, PT, PhD, is an Associate Professor (part-time) in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University, where she teaches in the MSc Physiotherapy program, as well as the Master of Health Management program. Her research interests include professional practice issues, as well as interdisciplinary education and online learning.
Dr. Vanina Dal Bello-Haas, PT, PhD, is a professor in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University. Vanina is a physiotherapist, educator, and researcher with extensive experience in the management of people with neurodegenerative diseases and older adults. She has diverse education scholarship interests, including professional issues, peer evaluation, and using technology to enhance engagement and learning.
Dr. Sandy Rennie graduated with a diploma in Physiotherapy in 1972, followed by a one-year degree completion (BPT) in 1976 at the University of Alberta. He completed his MSc in 1985 (Physical Education) and PhD in 2002 (Educational Administration and Leadership) at the University of Alberta. He has been teaching electrophysical agents (EPAs) in entry-level Physiotherapy programs since 1981 and has provided continuing professional development courses and webinars in EPAs for over 30 years. Currently, he is an Adjunct Professor of Physiotherapy at Dalhousie University and a part-time professor in the Physiotherapy program at the University of Ottawa.
Dr. Lisa Saladin, PT, PhD, FAPTA, is currently the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at the Medical University of South Carolina. In that capacity, she serves as the chief academic officer of the university, directly reporting to the President. She has administrative oversight and leadership over all six colleges (Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Health Profession, and Graduate Studies); the Hollings Cancer Center; the Offices of Research, Education, and Student Life and Gender Equity; and the MUSC Library. Prior to serving in this role, she was Dean of the College of Health Professions at the Medical University of South Carolina, where she has been a faculty member for the last 30 years. Lisa earned a bachelor’s degree in Medical Rehabilitation (PT), a Master of Science in Anatomy from the University of Manitoba, and a PhD in Physical Therapy from the Nova Southeastern University in Florida. Lisa has been an active participant in the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) for 28 years and a strong advocate for the profession. She was elected to the APTA Board of Directors in 2008 and completed her term as APTA Vice-President in June 2018.
Dr. Patricia Thille, PhD, BSc(PT), is a sociologist and physiotherapist, who works as an Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Thille applies critical social scientific theories and a range of qualitative methodologies in her health services and health professions education research. Her work focuses on stigmatization, health behaviour change, and chronic disease management in primary care and rehabilitation settings.
Dianne Millette is the current Registrar and CEO of the College of Physical Therapists of British Columbia. A physiotherapist by education, Dianne has spent much of her career working in health professions' regulation. She has a keen interest in advancing quality physiotherapy practice and has been very involved in activities such as the development of the core standards of practice, code of ethical conduct, quality assurance programs, and professional practice support. Dianne is a current member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators, Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada, and the International Network of Physiotherapy Regulators. She served from 2014-2017 on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. Dianne holds a MHSc-Health Administration from the University of Toronto and is a current doctoral student in the Doctor of Science (Rehabilitation and Health Leadership) at Queen's University.
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The instructors

Material included in this course
Where Do Core Professional Values Fit in Practice? A Panel Discussion
Where Do Core Professional Values Fit in Practice? A Panel Discussion