Beyond BPPV - Understanding Vestibular Rehabilitation

Beyond BPPV - Understanding Vestibular Rehabilitation
This course includes
The instructors
Join Cheryl Wylie, Certified Vestibular Physiotherapist, in this 3 hour course titled Beyond BPPV – Understanding Vestibular Rehabilitation.
This online course will take your vestibular knowledge a step beyond the classic BPPV condition, where you will learn about the most common conditions that cause vestibular dysfunction and gain an understanding of vestibular rehabilitation.
Beyond Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), the foundation of vestibular therapy circles on the rehabilitation of Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction (UVH). This course will focus on this, along with its counterpart, Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction (BVH).
UVH and BVH result in reduced function of the vestibular system in either one or both ears. Patients typically report dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance along with reduced quality of life. The good news is that many of these patients are candidates for vestibular rehabilitation, so gaining an understanding of how to assess and implement a vestibular rehabilitation program will allow you to greatly impact their recovery.
Learning Objectives
Module 1: Anatomy & Physiology
- Explain and simplify the anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system in relation to UVH and BVH.
- Learn about the Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) and how it is affected by vestibular hypofunction.
- Understand what nystagmus is and how it presents with vestibular hypofunction.
- Discuss the primary causes of UVH and BVH including vestibular neuritis, vestibular labyrinthitis, and ototoxicity.
Module 2: Vestibular Assessment
- Learn how to conduct a subjective assessment and develop history taking skills with a dizzy patient.
- Learn the signs and symptoms of UVH and BVH and comparing their presentation to BPPV.
- Review screening considerations and differentiating vestibular dysfunction from central and cervical involvement.
- Complete a vestibular assessment in a standard healthcare setting without any specialized equipment. This includes VOR, motion sensitivity, static balance and dynamic balance testing.
Module 3: Vestibular Treatment
- Understand the foundational exercises involved in vestibular rehabilitation, beginning with gaze stabilization exercises.
- Progress your knowledge and learn how to prescribe habituation and balance training.
- Learn how to implement Embodia’s vestibular exercises that you have full availability to.
- Understand special considerations for patients with BVH.
- Summarize vestibular rehabilitation and discuss guidelines for implementation.
- Gain access to resources for further education and to help consolidate training material.
Bonus Q&A!
- Listen to the questions and answers from our live webinar – a half an hour worth of Q&A from practitioners like yourself!
What is Included
- PDF downloads of the lesson slides to accompany this course material.
- A sample Patient Vestibular Intake Questionnaire.
- A sample Practitioner Vestibular Assessment Template.
- Multiple eye charts for Dynamic Visual Acuity Testing.
- PDFs of all recommended Subjective Outcome Measures discussed in this course.
- PDFs of all recommended Objective Outcome Measures discussed in this course.
As an Embodia Member, you already have access to all the vestibular exercises videos. In this course, you will be shown examples of these exercises, how to use them and how to progress them with your patients.
This online course is intended for any healthcare professional with an interest in vestibular rehabilitaiton. No pre-requites are required. Vestibular and concussion therapists who are looking to understand Embodia’s vestibular exercise platform, education material, and resources will also find this of value.
Interested in Learning about BPPV?
Check out the following:
- BPPV Feature: Assessing and Treating Dizziness Course
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) Resource Package
Healing Vertigo App: An Interactive BPPV Resource Tool
Healing Vertigo is an App designed to walk you through the assessment and treatment of BPPV. It uses the same patient-directed videos and treatment logic flow discussed in this webinar and resource package, making it a seamless resource for you and your patients. Use it as a practitioner treatment guide with your BPPV patients, or recommend it to you patient's post-treatment for self-management of this condition. It reduces the challenge of BPPV treatment significantly, and gives you and your patients more confidence in taking on this condition.
Visit the Healing Vertigo Website or YouTube Channel to learn more!
Get the App! Healing Vertigo is available on both Google Play and the Apple App Store
Infrared Video Goggles
Although Infrared Video Goggles are not required, they can be a valuable assessment tool to enhance your visibility of nystagmus. For those interested, I use Insight Pro+ Infrared Video Goggles by Vestibular First. These goggles are lightweight and comfortable for the patient while being one of the most affordable options on the market. Some key features of these goggles include a removable front cover (camera unit), high-def 5 Megapixel infrared cameras, multiple eye viewing options, precise fixation lights, quick release strap and a secure travel case.
If you are a practitioner, use my referral link to purchase your own goggles today. In addition, you will receive 500 bonus points which you can redeem in the Vestibular First Store!
Connect with Cheryl anytime to ask questions, clarify points, or just discuss Vestibular Therapy!
Cheryl Wylie:
Embodia Support:
The instructors

MSc(PT), Vestibular Physiotherapist, Co-Founder of Healing Vertigo
Cheryl Wylie is a registered physiotherapist, receiving her Masters of Science in Physiotherapy from McMaster University in 2010. Prior to this she completed her Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from the University of Waterloo. She continued her education and completed with success the Vestibular Rehabilitation Competency-Based Course in Atlanta, GA hosted by Emory University and the American Physical Therapy Association. Since then, she has taken ongoing courses with a focus on vestibular and concussion rehabilitation, as well as shared her knowledge through in-services and lectures both locally and abroad.
Cheryl is passionate about increasing accessibility of physiotherapy services and has developed an App and YouTube Channel called Healing Vertigo. These platforms increase awareness of BPPV and provide testing and treatment videos to assist patients and practitioners alike in the treatment of this condition.
Material included in this course
Welcome and Resources
Welcome and Slides
Eye Charts - etdrs-1
Eye Charts - etdrs-2
Eye Charts - etdrs-r
Objective Outcome Measures - Dynamic Gait Index
Objective Outcome Measures - Functional Gait Assessment
Objective Outcome Measures - MiniBEST
Objective Outcome Measures - Motion Sensitivity Questionnaire
Subjective Outcome Measures - Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale
Subjective Outcome Measures - Dizziness Handicap Inventory
Subjective Outcome Measures - Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)
Subjective Outcome Measures - Vestibular Rehabilitation Benefits Questionnaire
Vestibular Patient Intake Questionnaire Sample
Vestibular Practitioner Assessment Sample
Anatomy and Physiology of Vestibular Hypofunction
Anatomy and Physiology
Explaining VOR and Nystagmus
Vestibular Assessment
Subjective Assessment
VOR & Motion Sensitivity Testing
Static and Dynamic Balance Testing
Vestibular Treatment
Gaze Stabilization Exercises
Habituation Exercises
Static and Dynamic Balance Exercises
BVH Considerations
Treatment Summary and Resources
Questions pt1
Questions pt2